Walferdange, Stadt


Walferdange is a locality in Luxembourg and the capital of the municipality bearing the same name located in the canton of Luxembourg, in the Alzette valley. As of January 1, 2022, the municipality of Walferdange has 8,552 inhabitants. The N7 national road crosses the municipality by the AVL bus lines 10, 11 and 26 as well as some RGTR lines, the municipality is connected to the city of Luxembourg and direction Mersch. The town has a "City-Bus" service on reservation, the "Walfy Flexibus". Walferdange station is a railway station on line 1, from Luxembourg to Troisvierges-frontière. Between 1853 and 1879, the castle of Walferdange was the official residence of Prince Henri of Orange-Nassau and his wife Amélie of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach. Currently, various ancillary services of the Ministry of National Education occupy the castle and neighboring buildings or premises. Culture is well anchored in Walferdange with the cultural centers Prince Henri and Cultur@Walfer (CAW). The Harmonie Grand-Ducale Marie-Adélaïde (Walfer Musek), named after the Grand Duchess Marie Adélaïde, has existed since 1912. The "Walfer Bicherdeeg" (Book Days) organized by the municipality of Walferdange are an annual rendezvous important to publishers, authors and readers in Luxembourg and the Greater Region.


In der Nähe von

Administration communale de Walferdange

Place de la Mairie, B.P. 1 L-7201 WALFERDANGE

Immobilien in Walferdange

Häuser zu verkaufen

Häuser zu vermieten

Wohnungen zu verkaufen

Wohnungen zu vermieten

Parkplätze/Garagen zu vermieten

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Professionell zu vermieten
